Natural Habitat - Emily Finger; Fingerprints Photography.

 Emily Finger is the owner of the Fingerprints Photography Company.  Extremely talented at such a young age, Emily is an avid photographer and digitally edits her own photos on Photoshop. She has an enormous portfolio of work admired by many.
            In her most recent show at Hartwick College she displayed photos of male and female models painted as animals. This is to represent the animalistic instinct that inhabits everyone. The models were beautifully painted, by Hartwick students.
            Each image depicts a different animal attitude. For example, a female and male model was painted as snow leopards. In one specific photo the female is glaring at the camera lens, looking straight at the viewer, giving off an intimidating aura. The male model is depicted as being infatuated with the female. The photo illustrates a natural claim and protection of the animal kingdom. It is an incredible series. It is up for a limited time in the upstairs of Anderson, outside of the painting circle.

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