The Making of a Stop Motion Film.

So I'm a busy bee working on a stop motion film. Granted it's only 1 minute and 7 seconds, for every second I need 30 photo's. I want it to be damn good.
Now, the assignment I was given was to take 30 seconds of an already created film (Of course I want more than that, yeah yeah yeah...), and re-create it in stop motion some how.

I chose Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, the "Am I Ugly?" Scene.
Watch it here on Youtube.

So I'm working on a very small scale. A lot of people are using, well...other people. I find it easier to slowly move my objects myself. I also purchased a Canon SX40 ( Good bye Pay check! )

Anyway, check out the beginning of my cute model - actors. Keep in mind that they aren't done yet!

Here's Jim Carrey:

And Here's  Kate Winslet:

Oh, and might I add...36 colors of playdough is TOTALLY worth it!

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