MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU

I'm curious as to if he is paid to do this, or if he does all of it illegally? I'll get back to you on how my research is going.

I'm Terrible at Drawing Hands.

I'm terrible at drawing hands. However I am making a label for a beer in Project Phoenix by Butternuts Brewery's Christopher Schell.

I have been practicing on hands while maintaining my strange taste in drawing, art, and perspective.

I thought I should show you.

It's progress.

Something I would like to try.

I would like to try to apply a pencil vs. photo to my mixed media art.
If you are one of the few people who read this unfortunately boring blog,
Do you have any ideas where I can start? Any ideas on how to go about this?

Photo was found here.

Natural Habitat - Emily Finger; Fingerprints Photography.

 Emily Finger is the owner of the Fingerprints Photography Company.  Extremely talented at such a young age, Emily is an avid photographer and digitally edits her own photos on Photoshop. She has an enormous portfolio of work admired by many.
            In her most recent show at Hartwick College she displayed photos of male and female models painted as animals. This is to represent the animalistic instinct that inhabits everyone. The models were beautifully painted, by Hartwick students.
            Each image depicts a different animal attitude. For example, a female and male model was painted as snow leopards. In one specific photo the female is glaring at the camera lens, looking straight at the viewer, giving off an intimidating aura. The male model is depicted as being infatuated with the female. The photo illustrates a natural claim and protection of the animal kingdom. It is an incredible series. It is up for a limited time in the upstairs of Anderson, outside of the painting circle.

Hot Head Cool Head.

John Bjerklie is an independent artist living in Brooklyn, NY. Bjerklie set up an exhibit at Hartwick College, Fall 2011. He called it, "Hot Head Cool Head." Made completely out of wooden planks and live recording studio cameras hooked up to televisions in both sculptures.  One of the sculptures is red and the other is blue to represent the hot and cool colors. During his presentation Bjerklie brought up how the question most commonly asked is if the sculptures were political. In his response he disclosed that colors do not represent anything political, however he enjoys leaving the pieces up for interpretation.

Sophomore Review - A Review.

            Walking through the lower Anderson hallway, of Hartwick College, during the sophomore review, two pieces caught my eye. The first was Amanda Mattson's collective pieces.
            The piece I found most conceptually interesting was the wielded egg and sperm that represented life. There were many sperm attempting to get to the core of the egg but were not lucky enough to make it. A solid piece that represents a new perspective on the race of life. I was truly astonishing. Amanda achieved a great perspective on shape and organic movement and her pieces were set in such a way that it created fluid development and personal involvement. The piece reminds the viewer about how life is formed while in society the beautiful process of creating life is distorted by the pornographic view on sex.
            Amanda’s presentation of her work was concrete and to the point. The detail and precision of her pieces were well represented. The story behind each one was extraordinary. As a viewer I was enthralled and entertained by the captivating display.

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